Create an Account
• The account in Deshan Az (Дешан Аз) website provides you the following:
- Alphabet Phase: This phase focuses on the Chechen alphabet and teaches how to read. We used the Alphabet book (ABAT 2004), which is used in the school curriculum for first grade in the Chechen Republic. ABAT consists of 44 lessons.
- Alphabet Phase Certificate.
- Phrases Phase: This phase is oriented to the people who already know the basics of Chechen, but they have lack in the communication skills. We used Chechen-Russian Phrases book, which contains the most important phrases used in the daily activities, classified in 25 lessons. These lesssons contain 440 phrases.
- Phrases Phase Certificate.

• Activating the account depends on the recommendation by the administrators.
• In case of incorrect information in the user's information, the administrators have the right to cancel the user's membership.
• In case of transferring linguistic materials from this website to other websites, please refer to the source.
